Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday: Why can't vacations last longer?

Last day of vacation, which was reasonably lazy, although there was some shopping.  I finally bought new shoes, although I didn't take a picture of them yet.  That'll probably happen on Sunday when I get back home and go out shopping for groceries.
My shoes are also 100% less stripper-y than these shoes.  "Don't these look good, Mom?" Really? For what?

Dinner was a variety of grilled tastiness:
Burgers, three types of sausage, corn,
Orange honey habanero flank steak, yellow squash.
Seriously, I need to steal a lot of these ideas for when I get home.  I'm perpetually disappointed that my meat counter doesn't have any of the tasty things that Central Market does here.  It also helps that things don't immediately rot the moment you look at them in the store.  Maybe if I had A/C, and cranked it up all the way, I could avoid that problem as well.

  • Cardinal Timothy Dolan is pretty much a terrible person.  I wonder at which level you completely sell out your morals to tell other people how they're bad people.  Also: not as cool as this Dolan.
  • Sriracha spray? Wouldn't that clog?
  • I can't wait for Games Workshop to go out of business.  Warhammer isn't that wonderful anyway, and charging piles of money for something that can be made cheaply isn't a very sustainable business.
  • Zigzagoon!
  • Oh, Japan.

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