Thursday, February 28, 2019

Thursday: A birthday day

Although next year will be the next proper one.

I took over the gyms near work today.

I have to earn back the fake money I spent to have more storage for fake items.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wednesday: Nothing worked today.

My morning telecon didn't have a valid number for me to connect with.  My "almost done" thing from yesterday was totally broken today.  I discovered two fairly major things I need to do eventually.  My grapes weren't very good.

So I decided to get pizza for dinner, and the pizza place didn't really have great pizza-by-the-slice options.

Stardew does help add a calm end to the day, though.

I did catch Smeargle.

And my Vaporeon was still in the gym?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tuesday: When you get done, but then discover that something isn't working right.

And now I'm tired.  And I have to get up early-ish tomorrow.

I did get to take over a gym.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Monday: I'm super sleepy today.

They're really pushing the AR stuff.
Anger pengin.


Death pinwheel.

Fluffy pig.

Yellow balloon.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sunday: My goal for today was to swap roombas at work and home, and make tacos.

I did both of these, so even though I didn't get up until late, it all worked out ok.

I also took down the gym by work.

And I was hungry when I was coming home, so I stopped to get Panera.

Which didn't stop me from making tacos.
I even finished Donut County, which is a bit sad.  I want more easy and funny puzzle games.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Saturday: I needed to go to Target today.

Well, not really needed.  I had a few things I wanted, and Target is always a fun place to visit.

Then Stardew.

Then I made dona:
It's garlicky and spicy.
I don't have a blender, so I thought about it, and realized that if this was made before like 1950, then it had to be made with something other than a blender.  The most obvious option was a mortar and pestle, which I conveniently have.  I probably could have made it smoother than I did, but I was lazy, and didn't want to bother.  It tastes good, and that's the important thing.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Thursday: It was in the 50s today.

The weather is just dumb.

Also dumb: me having to park in an even farther lot for work today. :(

New splash screen.

New camera mode to take pictures of Weedles on your desk.

I have no clue what I did that made this end up in my promoted ads.  Those are snazzy boots, though.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Wednesday: It snowed today.

Enough so that they closed the university, but only after I'd gotten in.  This made me think about leaving early, so I sat down and did some evolutions.

 A lot of them.
But it was proper snowy.
And then I left early, but spent the entire evening working anyway, because I really wanted something to be done.  It still isn't, but it's much closer than it was.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Tuesday: It's supposed to snow tomorrow.

Enough so that the morning Google alarm explicitly mentioned that "It's going to snow tomorrow."  I don't think I've had a future warning like that before.

Today's steak was the best steak.
Higher temperature was the right thing to do, and then making a sauce by thickening some vermouth and butter helped as well.

  • Barbie will be an astronomer.
  • Furret is huge.
  • Maps.
  • This doesn't surprise me much.  The Pali is a bit sketchy on the best days.
  • I guess I just have to find the element containing "overflow", and deleting that will allow me to get my scrollbars back (defeating yet another anti-ad-block strategy).

Monday, February 18, 2019

Monday: Today was productive

SO that's good.  I didn't get home until nearly 8, so that's less good.  Today was also an early start, so I'm super tired.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Sunday: I already feel a bit better.

So that's good.  I then spent all day today doing absolutely nothing.

My only real goal for the day was to have dinner.
It turns out that the Korean grocery store does have the best meat around.  I haven't had a steak this good in a while.
And, because they came in a two pack, I have one to eat tomorrow as well.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Saturday: Yay!

I know it will take a bit of time for it to kick in, but at least it's a start.
And I got pancakes today.

Another shiny.
And then I played Stardew for two hours.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Friday: A good day.

I got a talk proposal submitted (thanks, Julie!), I was able to confirm that the stuff I spent the week writing works well, I found a pile of hidden bugs in the code that's supposed to test, and I finally decoded the "how to get medicine you really need" puzzle, and so will have medicine delivered tomorrow.  A three month supply, all for the high price of $5.  In Hawaii, this was running $200/month.  I think that right there basically covers the pay change, and that skips the fact that I pay less for my insurance (probably why it was so hard to sort things out), and that I pay less for groceries and things.

So that's all good.

This is less good.  It suggests the new code isn't calculating things the same way, and is therefore getting errors on ~1%, which over ~25\AA, works out to 250m\AA.  That's a huge error, and reasonably consistent with the matched data I was looking at earlier this week.  Guess I know what's on the list of things to sort out this weekend.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thursday: A birthday day

Also an abstract writing day, but I've had a headache all evening, so I'll finish it and submit it tomorrow morning.

Cat dress.  At the art museum, three years ago.

My favorite beach, two years ago.

Today I also finished up the image simulation code I've been working on all week, and if I'm lucky, tomorrow will be some trivial changes to use that code for all the unit tests no one really bothered with.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday: I spent way too long fighting something stupid today.

At least I'm 99% sure it's fixed now, and all the other math-agnostic bits of the project seem to work fine, so tomorrow should just be a matter of sorting out tests.  Woo.

And then Friday I get the drugs I've been fighting insurance about for a month delivered.  I am so incredibly happy I don't think there are words.
Definitely not a word like "hassleback."  Also, this is from like a decade ago.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Tuesday: Snow day

I mean, I technically could have gone in, but it was supposed to be snowy all day.  Plus, a bunch of people were going to be out anyway.  And I still got the things I wanted done done today.

They didn't even plow until like 3:30pm.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Monday: Today has been nothing but fighting against indices.

Stupid indices.

Also snow.  I had to clean my car off this morning.

But mostly indices.  It's possible I should just redo this with the way I know works first, and then try to make it snazzy.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sunday: I got lazy.

Lazier.  I didn't feel like driving all the way to work to replace roomba B with roomba A.  I'll just mark that as a thing to do.  It doesn't really matter that much right now.

Then I kind of wanted a burger, and kind of wanted sushi, and kind of wanted other stuff, and eventually just went the lazy way, and ordered panera for pick up.  I guess maybe I just didn't want to deal with people today.

There was a Spoink here.
And then I spent a half hour doing derivatives.  Ugh.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Saturday: And then Target didn't even have the thing I wanted to get there.

Plus I have to be home tomorrow afternoon to meet my landlord, which means I can't

  1. be asleep
  2. do things as part of a lunch plan.
Tomorrow's plan involves swapping my at-home roomba and my at-office roomba, which isn't actually difficult, but I kind of don't want to spend a lot of time at work on a not-work day.

Since I was going to that Target anyway, I figured I should do Firehouse for lunch.

A good chunk of the afternoon was spent playing Stardew.  It's educational.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Friday: I didn't have to yell at anyone.

Not yet, at least.  However, this "doctor's office, pharmacy, specialty pharmacy, insurance" thing is bullshit, and takes way more effort than it should.  I basically have to start all over on my prescription, because something somewhere wasn't done correctly.  I should probably call my doctor's office tomorrow to check that things were done correctly, but I shouldn't have to micro manage everyone to make them do their job.

Single payer would be much better.

Two years ago was Pearl Harbor day.
I need to do derivatives this weekend too.  Ugh.  I also probably should go to the office and switch my new roomba with my old roomba, as having the new roomba on my home wifi and the office roomba using the simple scheduler makes more sense.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Thursday: Today is not tomorrow.

So when I woke up late, and then rushed to get in to work before my morning meeting, I could have just taken it easy and not bothered.  Since the meeting is actually tomorrow, and not today.


And then I got to call and argue with pharmacy people.  Also a bunch of fun.

Double ugh.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wednesday: I spent the day deciphering something that was designed and written completely opposite to how I would have done it.

And how I'm used to seeing similar things done in the past.  Just a whole bunch of "huh, what, how?" all day long.

And then I donked up by trying a different Target, and they didn't have what I was looking for, and it was rainy and I forgot my umbrella.

I did learn that pineapple Hi-Chew are available in places that aren't named Hawaii.

  • Tulsi always came off as somewhat wrong.  I would totally have voted for her (she was district 2), but it would not be anywhere near as easy as voting for Colleen, Mazie, Mark, or Brian.
  • This is sad to hear.
  • The source of that Spider-Man comic I've posted at least twice.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Tuesday: There's officially too much work to do.


And I came up with a better way to do something, so there's a lot of rewrites in the future.  Double Ugh.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday: Work. Again.

I did sort out some configuration stuff today, so that's good.  I didn't sort out what's going wrong in the conversion code, though, so that's less good.

Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

When I'll hopefully have links.  Or an image.  Or something.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sunday: Chili day

All sorts of stuff to put in it.
 Pork belly has become my default pork product, it seems. 
I also added some corn and macaroni, because I got tired of waiting for it to reduce.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Saturday: I should remember not to go to Wegman's on Saturday.

It's super crazy busy.  I suspect the super bowl tomorrow is part of the issue, but it was just impossible today.  The fact that people just abandon carts to wander around doesn't help, either.

But I will be able to make a photo like this tomorrow, because tomorrow is a chili day.

  • This is an old story, but he's still an ass.
  • Great to hear that that law that people who knew said was going to do more harm than good did more harm than good.