Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tuesday: Q46/Phiobe

 Back to dealing with the dead.
Like Phiobe.

Who, let's remember, is the only person in the game who is a) not historical; b) ended up dead despite everything I did.  She was family, and now she's dead.
And mindwiped due to the waters of Lethe.
But we undid that by finding her toy eagle.
And then they set up quests where we will double-murder the Cyclops.  From the very very beginning of the game, which I guess I played September 4th of last year.  Pretty sure he's the dead guy I brought to Markos.
But we have to story first, because it wouldn't do for me to just immediately double-murder the Cyclops.
I mean, I've fought three actual cyclopses at this point.  A crappy thug I murdered before I became a Murder Goddess with Divine Stabbers shouldn't be a real problem.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Monday: Q45/Donk.

My Nook's Corner is closed tomorrow.
Canberra has issues.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sunday: Q44/Descent into the Underworld.

I don't want to reorganize and caption these today.  The important thing that happened that made me stop playing the game is the first one:
Finding Phoibe.
I'll deal with that tomorrow.

I like Kassandra's snark.

I'm not tone deaf.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Saturday: Q43/Art time.

Artwork appears.

And then didn't bother with the cotton candy cart.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday: Q42/ Too much stuff.

Used my avocado for toast purposes.

Colby has a creepy basement.

Double ramp + triple bridge is good.  Two more bridges wouldn't hurt, though.

I didn't know villagers could get sick.

Not a bad arrangement.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday: Q41/My power went out today.

And my internet as well.  Then the power came back on, and went out again.  It's back now, but I spent at least an hour rebooting and checking things.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Wednesday: Q40/Isn't this only how long it's supposed to last?

Oh well.
Why does Harvey have a murder basement?

I wonder if other islands get names like that, based on their fruit.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tuesday: Q39/So tired

I don't know why.  I mean, other than the "staying up late playing video games and watching youtube" thing.  No idea what it could be.
I didn't take a picture previously of meeting Grandfather Leonidas?  It was here.
I'm nearing the end of this first part of the DLC, and that means I have to be more careful not to make mistakes.  I think I've set it up to get the romance thing, but we'll have to see.

My house is getting a bit cluttered.

But I paid it off, so that'll change tomorrow.  I think I'm going to move all my cool stuff to a "cool stuff" room.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday: Q38/I hate getting up early.

Even when it's not that early.

Campsite celebration.

One of the big fish.
Same, Isabelle.


I paid off the ramp today.


Here.  Have some pants.  Weirdo.

Not sure that I like Phil.

Tailor celebration.

Sunday: Q37/

Consequence of visitors.

Really cool.

Yeah, Canberra!  I can't be the only one planting flowers!

I did not jump when I came out that door and saw rows of statues that are the exact same model as the strong bad guys.  I mean, I didn't even switch to my business armor.