Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thursday: Halloween

Another year, another zero trick-or-treaters.  I even saw them as I came home, but whatever.
So this goes to the office tomorrow.
And blogger broke itself, and doesn't load the image loader correctly.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Wednesday: I didn't exactly finish everything today.

But I only have one more component to fix tomorrow before this week is out of tasks.  Yay productivity!

Boo the grocery store not carrying proper size things of cold brew.  I guess that's on the grocery list for this weekend.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tuesday: At this rate, I'll have zero things to do at work by the end of the week.

Given that there have been like two people in the office this week, I've had a lot of time to test and fix things.  Maybe if things go well tomorrow, I'll take Thursday as a science day.

An old squirrel picture.
One of the neighborhood squirrels likes to hide on car wheels.  I've seen it three times, once when it dashed away from my car.

Oh also, Tetris:

Invictus is now easier?

And I probably need to send in my joycon to be repaired, because it's frustrating to almost sell my pickaxe every day in Stardew.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Monday: Hardly anyone was at work today.

And Tuesday usually has even fewer.  I guess it's good I don't have much to discuss?

I very quickly discovered I have to park my boat back where I started, because I have to find a quest item before leaving.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sunday: This was a reasonably good "do nothing" weekend.

I stayed up extra late last night to play Assassin's Creed, then woke up late to go to the grocery store so I could come home, make queso, and then eat unhealthy amounts of queso while playing more Assassin's Creed.
This lady kindly warned me about the boar after I killed it, making her super helpful.

This lady had a simple quest to do.
And then I spent twenty minutes trying to figure out if I accidentally killed another friend, but it turns out that you have to advance the story for it to trigger.  So I had to push ahead through the story, even though I'm only four levels above where I'm supposed to be.
But I eventually did it, and made another friend.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Saturday: There goes my plan to stay home all day tomorrow.

"Oh, I'll made queso!  It'll be a fun-day!"

Except queso requires processed cheese, and I don't eat mine fast enough, so mine expired.  A lot expired.  So much that I'm not willing to trust it.  So I have to go get more tomorrow, which sucks.

So I killed a governor, and because I didn't scope things out enough, I did it in full view of like three people.  This caused someone to hire an assassin.  "Ok, that's my job, but whatever," I thought, and killed him.  Which caused a new one to be sent.  And a second.  But I discovered that assassins are like cats: they don't like to get wet.  Hence why I'm standing on the stolen boat.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday: Productivity ran into "spend the day trying to fix the thing that should be working."

Ugh.  It's the weekend.  I'm going to go to Target, I'm going to take out recyclables, I'm going to make beef stroganoff.

It turns out my way of playing this game is to randomly stumble upon people, murder them, and then find out later that they were bad guys, so I'm probably ok.
I mean, I literally stumbled across the guy I've "been looking for" this entire chapter.  I saw a cave, I started murdering, he started talking while I murdered him, I got a cutscene afterwards telling me that I'd advanced the story.  I am...maybe not the most heroic hero.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thursday: I am sleepy today.

Ugh.  At least this week has been productive.  So that's always good.

Someone clearly stole Julie's phone, because she opened my PKMN gift from like six months ago.

And Amazon sent me three notebooks instead of one.  That's a pretty good deal, I guess.
When I was opening the package, two of my coworkers mentioned how nice new office supplies are.  I didn't mention I have a tag just for that.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wednesday: I need to not stay up late playing video games.

But I finished Obra Dinn.  It's very good.  I shouldn't have stayed up until 7am playing it, but it's so hard to stop once you start unraveling the mystery.  I want more detective/mystery games like this, where I don't have to worry about fighting or speed.

Or that my bird is off murdering other animals while I'm doing things.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tuesday: asldfkhasldgh

It turns out that small projects are good, and long projects are not good.  I probably should have realized that before now.

I got a new horse.  It still parks crooked, though.

To be fair, I saw a big creature roaming around, and just assumed that was the boar I was searching for.
It turns out no, the boar I'm searching for is a cheating jerk, and I'm probably not high enough level to beat it.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Monday: Productive days.

I figured out most of the problems I ran into last week, so that's good.  I might end up having to do more telecons, but I guess that's just how things work.

My switch ran out of power, so I had to play other games yesterday.

  • WTF.
  • I wonder why.  It's not like people have less stable jobs, and get paid far less than they need to cover student loans and everyday living, right?
  • Oh, that's cool.  I've seen a lot of articles about "new multiplication method", some of which mention that the new one is n log n.  None of them had any reasonable details, but I finally tracked this one down, which presents the previous best algorithm.  The trick is to treat each digit of the numbers as elements of a sequence, and then convolve the two sequences in Fourier space.  Cool.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday: Pancake cravings.

Today was supposed to be a "stay home and be lazy" day, prompted by the rain.  I even ordered groceries last night to be delivered, so I wouldn't have to go get food.

And then I woke up and really wanted pancakes.
I did get laundry and dishes done, and I'm going to figure out why my roomba's been slacking off before bed.  And I discovered that not only did the crew on the Obra Dinn have kraken problems, but also generic sea monster issues.

It's a good game.  It's a bit harder than I would have thought, and I'm annoyed that it tells me that I should be able to figure out mysteries before I actually can.  I'm filling in what seems reasonable and right, and I figure I'll sort things out once I've gone through the entire story.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Saturday: Queso burger

I didn't take any pictures, but I had queso, and the burger was ok.

Then today's plan of "do a draw":
The trick is to draw the thing to copy upside down, so you don't think about what you're drawing.  It's pretty effective it seems.

I mean, this isn't the best Raven ever, but it's not terrible.
I should practice more, but I think that's generally the case.

And then I played some more Obra Dinn.

Ok, so this lady dies because a beam falls on her.
And this guy has his gun out.  What's he shooting at?

Oh fuck!  Kraken!
 I was not expecting that.  It's a good "everybody-killed-everybody murder mystery, also holy fuck!  Kraken!" game.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sneaky tricks I've needed this week that I want to write down so I can be sneaky in the future.

  1. How to make git give you the full history so you can see how badly you've fucked things up:
    • git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate
  2. How to get SQL alchemy to stop being such a piece of shit and just give you the stupid fucking query it's fucking up:
    • query.sql.compile(compile_kwargs={'literal_binds': True}).string
      • Yes, I know that's batshit insane.

Friday: I figured things out at work, but it took all day, and I need a weekend to recover.

I did stay late to work on my FITS reader utility code.  It's now close to what I want it to do.

In any case, I've been staying up late to play Stardew this week.
Julie's right, you probably can finish the community center in the first year.  The things I didn't get:  Catfish, Cabbage, Truffle, Sunflower, Apples*3.  Buying a tree early seems like the strategy if I do another run.
You can get weird mushroom trees?
 Scenes from Stardew-Christmas:

I sold the wine I was going to give Harvey, so he got one of my speed-up coffees.
And then Sebastian came in with a freaking full Glow Ring, making me feel bad that I didn't try at all.
Abigail Is Weird, A Series.
That is quartz, Abby.  Don't eat rocks.

Nope.  I don't.  Because I have a job, Abby.

I think I already made a joke about this.
I mean, duh.

So I think I'm getting married to Abigail, is what I'm saying.
Even if she does play her flute, at night, in winter, next to a river.

No, Emily.  You hang out with Haley, and I don't like her, so you're not part of my Farm Adventure.

This was suppose to be another double entendre quote, but with Robin.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thursday: It took all damn day, but I accomplished 90% of what I wanted to do today.

Tomorrow will be bugfixes and more testing.  Ugh.  I will be glad when the weekend gets here.

It's spooky Pokemon season again.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wednesday: Tomorrow I will hopefully finish work projects.

Today had meetings and interruptions, and just wasn't good for work.  I also am in the "code integration" part of things, which is always hard.  It's like the eye-doctor's "A or B" tests, but with conflict markers.
This was easy.  The stack is deeper than the average of single visits, so there are more objects in that plot.  But, because of overlaps, you have to restrict the detections to only the primary detection in the overlap regions.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tuesday: Sometimes I'm surprised when I remember how to science at things.

I think the pattern is mostly fake?

Because the image looks pretty good.  Although I don't really know if the scales line up completely.
And I can see the moon rise from my couch now.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Monday: I have some allergic thing going on with my eye.

It sucks, and always feels dry and itchy.
Fifteen years ago: Toronto.  Today: too tired to fight rotation issues.
And no links for today.  Because I stayed up late playing Stardew again.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sunday: I kind of want ice cream

Today was a ramen day.
And then I bought good veggies, and came home to make a big tub of pot roast.  It is super delicious, and full of yummy goodness, and I'm glad I made it, but it'd be a bit better if the weather was cooler.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Saturday: Can I pretend I was productive today?

My goal was to get groceries, and I did that, although I have to stop by the WooriMart tomorrow to buy carrots and leeks, because Wegman's looked like crap, and they don't?? sell??? carrots???/????

And I got a burrito.
Maybe it's just me, but Qdoba burritos seem really liquidy now.

How pissed would you be if you got "veggie chips" instead of candy.

Today I also learned that the reason my car is covered in acorns is because this fuzzy friend can't stuff them in their mouth as fast as they can pull them off the tree.  So them plonk down onto my car.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Friday: I never got to the testing part I was trying to get done today.

And then I discovered that the way to visualize the thing that didn't make sense, but I need to write a Fourier power thing.  Ugh.
People like grapes.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thursday: A day where everything took way longer than I wanted it to.

So we'll see how much is done by the end of this week.


Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wednesday: Testing time.

The least fun part of algorithm development and implementation.

Did I ever discover what befriending the Bear gets you?

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tuesday: More work work

Where I don't quite believe the algorithms being used for things.  Ugh.

A happy buzzy bee.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Monday: Work work work.

I moved offices today, so now I can see outside from my desk.  I forgot to take pictures, however, because I forgot to do that.  Whoops.

I did discover that this picture doesn't count for the quest I'm working on in Pokemon Go.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Sunday: I woke up earlier. I still didn't really accomplish much today.

Mostly because it was kind of rainy and overcast, so my apartment was extra sleepy.

I didn't actually look at this, either.  Making it extra complicated meant it was less fun.
I did watch Batwoman and Supergirl.  BW had a good start.  SG had everybody being dumb, but at least this time Kara isn't being dumb, so that's an improvement?

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Saturday: I should wake up earlier tomorrow.

But to be fair, this was the first proper chilly day, and curling up with blankets in bed is one of the best things ever.

New splashscreen.

Bahn mi.