Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday: Why do I even bother trying to make fish sandwiches?

I mean, look at this. Nice piece of ono, some lettuce and sriracha on a pita.  Five seconds later it was a drippy mess, with the pita shredding itself and bidding the concept of "structural integrity" farewell.  Maybe I need to pull the fish, and let it sit on a rack or something for a few minutes?  Cook it slower so the juices aren't forced out?  Abandon the idea of fish sandwiches entirely?

It needed more salt, too.

This is a religion I could get behind.

Since when do the middle class control the means of production?  If you don't even understand the bare minimums of a concept, how can you offer any meaningful commentary?  This is what you get if you base everything off the assumption that "Marx is bad, therefore everything bad is Marxist."  Marx's issue with the bourgeoisie was not because they were the middle class that could prevent "his type of revolution." Rather, it's the fact that having a few wealthy owners controlling production effectively enslaves the proletariat (via wages or job availability) to their whims and desires.  In such a situation, you could easily imagine the wealthy using differences in pay among the proletariat to suggest that those who make more have their pay and benefits cut.

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