Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday: Holy crap what happened to the post editor?

I swear, this thing was normal just yesterday. Now it's like some sort of future box ripping my thoughts out of my head and forcing them onto the internet!  Damn it, google, stop reading my brain!

Eh, whatever.  It's basically the same as it was, just with more blank space everywhere.  Seriously, google, that's an annoying design choice you have. Everywhere.  Hey, here's a suggestion: let me label pictures somehow, so I can just search in the future when I need to post the Picard/facepalm or Picard/WTF pics.  Also, that label widget over there ---> really sucks.  That should be fixed.  You shouldn't put linebreaks in the middle of words.  The correct label is "bear perspective" not "bear per

spective."  Plus when they're garbled up like that, it's hard to find the correct label I want to use, and I am glad I have wonderfully valid labels ready-to-go.

Or a cute squirrel shaking snow off his nose.

The Count was always high on my list of Sesame Street characters, behind Grover and Cookie Monster.

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