Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 5: Potato tart

Note to self: the mini springform pan was invented by the devil, and no matter how much oil you slather on it, everything's going to stick to it.  Just do these things in ramekins in the future.

Step all the steps: This isn't that hard.  Slice the potato thinly, and then layer them up in the pan with slices of kasseri cheese.  Each layer should also get a slight dash of nutmeg, as nutmeg works well in preparations like this.  If I were doing this in a larger size (like a full pan for more than one person), I'd scale it up to be a potato a person, shred the kasseri, and then probably add a bit of milk or cream to keep it moist.

Super tasty.  Kasseri is a firm dry feeling cheese, but it melts nicely, and dumps out a decent amount of oil to keep things fluid.  It sets up somewhat on the plate, but that's not really a big problem for a pseudo-gratin like this.  Besides, kasseri has a nice flavor that I thought went well with the lamb.

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