Saturday, October 24, 2015

Saturday: Complaining about things.

I tried to go to La Tour Cafe again.  I again failed, because it's not possible to park there anymore.  Part of this is due to the fact that everyone is a fucking moron, and is flooding to Party City to buy shit for Halloween.  I don't really understand the point of buying useless shit that's going to be thrown away, but I'm also not the kind of person who coordinates the purchase of ketchup and mustard costumes with their friend, and then wears their shitty costumes out of the store.  I hope that if I ever do become that kind of person, someone kills me.

The other reason parking is impossible is that the Securitas office there has decided that they deserve like a dozen reserved parking spaces, probably because they're power-tripping shit bags.  "Why so angry about people who do the important job of using their walky-talky to report people not lining up correctly?"  Because there are three spaces that are labeled "Securitas Manager Only."  Fuck you, asshole.  You need all these parking spaces on the weekend?  Go fuck yourself.

So I drove out to the Greek place:


The marina was cool looking today.

Second thing to complain about: hugin is broken now.  My best guess is that it's either a serious programming bug somewhere, or someone on that team decided it was best to make hugin guess at things, and because of that, it doesn't work correctly anymore.  The smudge is where it's completely ignored my third image, and the bit on the right is actually the other half of the image on the left.  I don't know why it's over there, and there are no control points connecting that to the right side.  So: unusably broken, so I guess I'm not making panoramas anymore.

I used the same reference for the skull.  Today's Drawlloween is "skeleton."

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