Sunday, July 1, 2018

Sunday: I hate a certain state

It has poorly maintained roads, it needs to add lanes to the ones ot has, the people need to not constantly drive in the left lane, and they need better signs.

But at least I had breakfast.
 Which is good, because I didn't eat lunch until 4pm localtime.  I have no idea what time this really is, because time is even more of a joke than it was before.
But at least lunch was Qdoba.
 And then I drove another 5+ hours.
And had Qdoba for dinner too, because I'm a grown up, and I can do what I want.
Eventually I made it to my parents' house, where I've had mail delivered.
So, Pokemon Go+, remote control/keyboard/mouse, dvd set, cable company check, and house-warming mixer from Julie.
Tomorrow is laundry and repacking everything for the final leg of the journey.

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