Friday, July 20, 2018

Friday: Oh, that makes it a lot simpler.

I mean, that looks like a regular scan.
I have to turn in receipts, and the water company people want a copy of my lease.  I remembered that there was a program that did automatic transforms of papers photographed with your phone, and reinstalled it on my tablet.  It does a pretty decent job, especially given that this was with the automatic black-and-white default.  So I guess I can send this stuff in tomorrow, instead of trying to find a scanner or fax machine or some other ancient technology that shouldn't be important at all in 2018.

And my ear hurts, and it sucks, but I don't have a good way to fix it right now.  It sucks.  It shouldn't interfere with my weekend plans, though, since that involves:

  1. Seeing if I can find a floor lamp that isn't made of suck.
  2. Buying some sort of scrap paper, probably a set of multi-color post-it notes, because I need to write down random shit way more than I would expect.
  3. I kind of want doughnuts, but I bought some english muffins today, because I couldn't find any bagels at the store.
So donk.

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