Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Tuesday: Internet Day!

The best day ever!

Also vacuum day.  Which is cool, and now I know I probably could have taken the vacuum apart in Alameda and saved me $45, but whatever.  I can vacuum my floors now.  I also probably should remember not to answer my door with a box cutter in the future.  I was cleaning up my recycling, which surprisingly, I was able to do in a single trip.  Including all my bin recycling, and the trash.

Having actual internet is great, because I can listen to a youtube video of a song I heard this morning while watching a youtube video I would have watched a long ago if I'd had internet constantly.

The internet hookup went reasonably well, with the install guy having to do only a few tests and things before it was up and running.  I then spent way too much time trying to configure the wifi router to use a static upstream IP address before just giving up and installing a dhcpd server to give it the IP address.  I think I've made the parameters permanent, but I may have to reconfigure wireless if the power goes out again.

Which it did today.

Because it was raining.  A lot.  Like a proper thunderstorm.
While driving, I've set my radio to remember something like four NPR stations.  Also one "other" station that I first thought was the university station, a random techno station, and a 70s funk station.  It turns out to be something of all of those, so here are songs I've heard and had google identify for me.

I should maybe find a way to get these albums.

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