Saturday, July 21, 2018

Saturday: This waking up early on the weekends thing is like a brand new world of getting things done.

Things I got done today:

  1. Woke up when a computer called me to let me know my furniture will be delivered tomorrow between 9am and 1pm.  This is a much better time frame than the 9am-9pm I initially had.  Also I'm happy that they are delivering tomorrow.
  2. Went out to buy a lamp.  I'm not super happy with the lamp I got, but I can adjust how bright it is, and it was always going to live in the corner and make the living room not cave-like, so it's not a big deal.

  1. Finally got post-it notes so I have scrap paper to write little notes on.  This is a big deal.
  2. Bought a mattress pad, since I don't like not having multiple layers between the mattress and me.  This one claims to be "cool."  I hope that's true.
  3. Tested out the local by-the-slice pizzeria.  The pizza is good.

  1. Made it home before the rain began.
  2. Assembled lamp.

  1. Installed sshd on, heimdall, the TV computer, giving it the ability to be remotely managed.
  2. Installed RSS database and software on heimdall, so I can transfer that off my old work computer.
  3. Relaxed firewall rules to allow me to actually access the RSS feeds.
  4. Set up hostname management, making heimdall the new kadatheron.
  5. Tested out screen casting with the new TV.

  1. Did minor cleaning and decorating.
  2. Covered more shelves in shelf paper, discovering in the process that I need to buy 99 more rolls of shelf paper.
Tomorrow I plan to get my furniture, maybe make cookies, and maybe make bacon so I can maybe have bltac sandwiches.

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