Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thursday: I think I'm just going to push off Drawlloween things.

I just don't have enough time to sit down and do actual art things.  I was thinking maybe I'd just do weekends, but I have to write a talk this weekend and do a bunch of other crap, so blah.

I can't determine if this is a plant growing in this drain, or if leaves just fell conveniently in.
I'm still going to do the tldr Lovecraft, since that's already mostly done.

  • Title:  The Doom That Came to Sarnath
  • Date:  1919
  • Summary:  The first Lovecraft story I ever read, and another of his fantasy stories.  A bunch of jerks decide they're going to build their city by a lake, and decide that the city already by the lake populated by lizard/fish people sucks.  So they kill all the lizard/fish people and dump them in the lake and burn down their city.  The jerks' city becomes big and powerful and wealthy, until the day that the lizard/fish people rise up out of the lake in the mist and kill everybody.
  • Real Villain:  Being an asshole to your neighbors.
  • Last line in italics?  No.
  • Writer writes instead of fleeing?  No.
  • Rating:  9/10.
  • Read it:  Here.

I think if I remember correctly I need to put text here, otherwise blogger gets confused about the bullet lists.  Anyway, links.

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