Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday: Draw a Dinosaur Day

This is going to be year four for DaDD, and I went digital.  That was probably a mistake, but I couldn't find my crayons, and I could find my tablet.
It's a very chubby ankylosaurus.  With wonky eyes.  Tablet drawing is hard, and doing eyes is the hardest part.

The biggest problem is that after Crisis on Infinite Earths, DC squished all their different universes together into one, and made everyone live in the same world.  This made some sense, as they owned a bunch of comic universes, and it's probably easier to publish a Batman comic with occasional visits from Blue Beetle who lives a town over than to publish Batman and Blue Beetle, which are just going to directly compete with each other (rich industrialist who dresses up as something and uses technology to fight crime?  Wait, isn't that Mr. Terrific?).  

So, ok, great, everyone lives in the same world.  Except DC keeps making everything super serious and grimdark, so nothing can be fun anymore.  Because that's not grown up or some bullshit.  That's fine for Batman, who does nothing but punch bad guys until they stop being bad.  Superman comes off kind of lame, which leads to shit like him walking across the country instead of fighting crime because I don't even fucking know, he was sad or something.  That's also why they had to murder Blue Beetle, who became known after CoIE for doing shit like this (I couldn't find a single page that had all the important images, so click in order to piece together the story).  He was too funny and silly to fit in to the shitty vision DC was going with.

Now back to Captain Marvel.  His backstory is that he's an orphan who gets magic powers when he shouts his magic word, "Shazam," (basically calling the wizard named that to get the power).  That might seem like it could be grim, but he was originally written years ago, which is why he has a team that contains a useless fat old man, a super obvious ripoff of Bugs Bunny, and Mary Marvel, who got fucked over in the grimdark reboot because she wasn't allowed to just be a good person who tried to use her powers to help anymore.  Oh, and the Marvels were friends with Tawky Tawny, a goddamn tiger who wears clothes and walks around like a person.  And talks.  As you might guess.

And who did three children, an old guy, and two cartoon characters fight back in the past?  A tiny worm from Venus, a stereotypical evil scientist, and a guy named Captain Nazi.  These are simple enemies of the past, who are perfect villains for a kid who can become invincible by magic.  Captain Marvel isn't designed to live in a world where his best friend is gunned down.  He's designed to decide he doesn't like the Nazis, so he's going to fly to Europe and punch their captain until the war is over.

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