Saturday, January 3, 2015

Saturday: Returning home.

I think I read this book at least a dozen times during this trip.
The first thing I should remember for the future is that the 9:00-ish flight from SFO to HNL doesn't require getting up at 5am.  Although it probably scales with traffic and things, I had at least an hour leftover.  The second thing is that the United premier security check point is F1, and was pretty much empty.

Also don't forget that SFO has tasty pastrami sandwiches.  I should get these when I have connections, as well.
 Then there was a flight.
This was the point in the flight where the guy sitting next to me started trying to place phone calls.  He then tried to send a text message, and was confused by the "you're not connected to the network" messages.  This is why I prefer to wear headphones for the entire flight.
 By this point, it'd been a long time since that pastrami sandwich, so I went to get lunch.
Even though we had gyoza for New Year's, I still got them with my ramen.
I've started to go through my list of things to link to, and worked through about half of my RSS starred links.  This only leaves about 150.  Here are the first set of old links to link:

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