Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday: Huh. That wasn't what I expected.

I mean, I never would have expected that googling the name of the jackass wifi access point on the same channel as me with "Honolulu" would tell me that it's my neighbor directly up one floor from me, her name, and that she's a paralegal.  That is legitimately more information than I was expecting to discover.  I guess I could leave a note.  "Hey, don't use channel 11, dumbass."

Today's salad had a lemon in it.  I don't quite know why.
 I took that picture when I thought I wasn't going to have anything to post about.  I would have stretched out that wifi story more too, except while reading the internet today, I found this link.

The reason this was so weird is because this is a poem that I remember from when I was a kid.  Because I have it in a book of poems for children.

I have always been annoyed that that first verse doesn't rhyme.  I have been annoyed by this for thirty+ years.  And it's not a "oh, it's not supposed to rhyme" thing

Because the rest of the verses rhyme, even if v3 rhymes "me" with "me."
Plus, the choice of words make it look like it's supposed to rhyme, except English is a bastard language that doesn't have consistent pronunciations because rove and love come from different origins.  In any case, when you're like five, and are just learning how to read things, and you get to this poem, and then find out that "roving" and "loving" are not pronounced the same, it's kind of a massive disappointment.  It's like reading is just a cruel game.

Until you turn the page (ignoring The Old Horse in the City, because I never liked that one either) and find Vachel Lindsay's stuff, which is structured in such a way that everything rhymes and reads as it should to a five year old mind.

Plus: reasons to learn what a griffin is that young.

And this one uses a cookie metaphor.  Also at this point you've seen three opening lines from Lindsay, and see that all three are moon metaphors.  

  • Here's the Vachel Lindsay wikipedia page.  I checked it before writing the post to make sure he wasn't horrible or something.  It looks like the answer is "better than expected."
  • You have had a cruel prank played on you, raccoon.
  • As have you, chipmunk.
  • You...just keep doing you, fox.

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