Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday: "Frankly, I'm somewhat surprised that worked so well, too."

It turns out that in a bizarre feat of mathematics, for mode X of the camera, the noise signal and the standard dark current are actually simply added together.  No scaling, no polynomial transformation, no nothing.  O = A + B.  Technically A' - A + B, but whatever.  The point is it actually works like you would hope it would, but then end up cursing at it because things never work like that.

Until today, I guess.

Plus it gives me an excellent opportunity to use this picture.

  • Except I don't like gluing things into my book.  I do like it when I buy used books and they have ex libris stickers inside, but that's mostly so I can internet stalk people who decided they didn't want that book anymore.  Or they're dead.  Mostly the dead thing.
  • There's no way to link to this without ruining the joke.  It's a pokemon related joke.

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