Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday: I hate reading other people's code.

Especially when that code is absolute garbage.  Great idea, define a "Check" function!  It does a bunch of asserts to check that the input is valid!  Let's call it after doing a bunch of asserts to check that the input is valid!  Why even have that function?  Or this other function that calls a nearly identically named function using all the parameters passed in, and does nothing but check that the inner function returned a real thing.  Why?  The calling function can do that check, and the code doesn't involve parsing a billion individual calls.  Also: remember how we have a struct to hold options?  Why not add all of these stupid parameters to that struct, so instead of having a function that has 37 parameters, you can just read the parameters as needed from the struct?  It also makes no sense to define a bunch of functions that are only ever called in one place.  Just fold all those functions into the calling function.

My window was foggy again.

And I'm increasingly sure that this plant is actually growing in the drain.

  • So yeah, the election was probably stolen, and piece of shit Mitch McConnell didn't care.  I can't wait until that stupid fuck is dead.
  • Also, those assholes plan to cut taxes on the wealthy when they eliminate health care for everyone else.
  • There's also the objective fact that voting for that asshole makes you a racist.  You can't support someone who has racist views and decide that's fine and not be.
  • I had never heard of Surya Bonaly before.  Also a story about racism, and about how when you really want to tell ice skating judges to go fuck themselves, you do a move that you expect will get you disqualified.
  • Ok, this is a video post, but wait for the cake.  It's worth it just for the cake.
  • That's how I saw it too.
  • Sasha the Christmas Tiger.
  • Bob Ross is magical.

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