Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tuesday: That damn bird was back.

"You don't even work here!"
Today's also the finale of Agents of Shield, and because I'm smart, I used my time zone powers to read spoilers on twitter.  Since my last complain-a-thon:

  1. People did dumb things.
  2. The space monster killed all of his human people.
  3. Shakey mutant got space monster mind controlled by the space monster
  4. The Murder Monster had a secret purpose to un-mind control shakey mutant.
  5. But then he died.
  6. And she's been all super whiny about everything.
  7. The space monster kidnapped a science guy to science at things and make shitty knock-off Inhumans.
  8. I couldn't figure out why I recognized the new science guy, but it turns out he's the whiny brother from the 2000s Mummy movies.
  9. Blah blah space monster wants to bomb the world with a shitty knock-off Inhuman generating bomb.
  10. Everyone continues to do dumb things.
  11. Even the space monster.
  12. Just so many dumb things.
But, in less than a half hour, Zappy the (sorry for using the same word over and over again but) Whiny Electro-Mutant is going to trap the space monster in a tiny space ship and they blow up together and die and fucking finally I hated both of them so very much.

In other news, far better TV show Agent Carter is still cancelled because people are dumb.

  • I doubt this is really going to fix anything with the DC movies.
  • There are so many things in this panel that don't make sense.
    • Is that an electric chair?
    • I'm pretty sure "plunger switch" isn't how electric chairs work.
    • Why is Peggy kicking and punching with opposite sides?  That seems like a really painful twist.
    • I feel like someone should be shouting "USE THE GUN AS A GUN!" at that one thug.
    • Was Knifey McGee straddling her before being punched?
    • Isn't getting kicked in the back of the head make it more likely that plunger switch guy will fall on the switch?
  • I don't know how this lamp works.  Is there just a bulb hidden behind the panel?
  • Things are getting better.  The important thing is ensuring that continues.
  • Don't be a jerk, basically.
  • I am curious about this alternate Sailor Moon world.
  • Cat.

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