Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday: At least it's a long weekend.

I said I was going to steal this photo, and I did.
As I was leaving work later than expected, I couldn't figure out what to do for dinner.  Then some asshole decided that "if I turn on my turn signal, you have to let me go straight instead of turning, despite being in the left turn only lane."  This fuckface then decided that it's best to drive seventeen fucking miles an hour.  That was when I decided that what I really wanted for dinner was a burrito, and that I should just do that, even though it meant a lot of driving.

So I did.

But this is also the point where I'm going to mention three useful driving skills that too many people don't seem to grasp.

  1. Turn your turn signal on before you plan on turning.  I have nearly been hit so many times because some asshole decided that if you turn the signal on after you start turning, it magically makes you immune to crashes.
  2. Hazard lights do not mean, "I know I'm illegally parked, so it's ok."  No it's not, and you're a fucking moron.  That's a goddamn street you're blocking.  Good job, asshole.
  3. If there are two lanes to use, do not drive the exact same speed as the person next to you.  Create spaces so people can get around your stupid ass, since you've both fucking decided to drive seventeen fucking miles an hour.

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