Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday: Mostly links, I think

Partially because I left work early because I felt like crap.  Then I wrote a perfect program that totally solves the wrong problem.  The good thing is that it works correctly, it just isn't the math I really needed.  I'll see if I can come up with something smart tomorrow.  My current best thought is some sort of kernel density estimate, but I've never really liked those (since they're fairly sensitive to the kernel size, and I don't have a good feeling on what I should choose).

I always liked episodes like this.  The new series is too serious.

You know, she would probably be able to get out easier if you'd move out of the damn way.
  • He is the Full-Taco Alchemist!
  • So wait, five days to Hawaii, presumably the same back, plus time to enjoy the islands. How long were vacations in the 1930s?
  • Yes!
  • I really would like this to happen.  Having a proper math program on my phone would be wonderful. The only other thing I'd like would be a database program.  SQLite would work.
  • My new favorite "what time is it" webpage. After this one (this one has auto-play sounds).
  • Wait, a "useful pain technique"?  M-W suggests right here that the use of pain to coerce is pretty much the definition of torture (definition 2 to be exact).  Exactly why would we allow this? Followup question: can we just throw people who suggest that that is how the police should work in jail?

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