Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday: Taco Tuesday

Mostly because I was incredibly tired when I got to the end of the day.  And tacos are fun!
Well, maybe not this much fun.
Let's see if I have anything good for today:
Cats are stupid.
I do need to sit down sometime this week and figure out if my eclipse viewer is going to be sufficient for the transit of Venus.  Since Venus is something like 1% the diameter of the Sun, and the eclipse was "10%" (I'm unclear if that's area or radius), Venus is going to be about 10x harder to see than the eclipse.  This suggests strongly that it's not going to be sufficient, but I think I can enlarge the hole and increase the focal length to help that.

  • I really like Art Deco's obsession with ancient Egypt.
  • Pikachu!
  • I think tomorrow I'm going to use this as a guide to draw a panda myself.
  • Stolen from Julie's tweet: school lunches.  I remember getting school lunches in elementary school when it was pizza Thursday.  Our pizza was similar to the slab shown in the article.  It was served with salad, but the salad was almost always brown and nasty looking, so I never ate it (possibly why I was so averse to salads until I was nearly 30).  I thought there was another side, since we had the standard  style trays, and pizza, salad, and milk leaves two slots open.  I know ice cream was popular, so maybe that took up one?  In any case, I think I stopped eating school lunches before I was 9, because it just kept getting crappier and crappier.  This was a longer story than I expected when I started.

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