Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tuesday: A travel day.

Just not for me.

Still, today had to start super early, because my water was being shut off all day long, because they were replacing some pumps.  I did get to have a decent nap on my couch so I'm not as tired as I could be.

I also found a decent parking space at the airport, and chose the correct set of escalators to meet my parents at.  Their flight was delayed by about an hour, but that wasn't a big deal.  Traffic is always bad here, but we eventually got them checked in to the hotel, and then went out to get dinner.

Nico's makes good dinner food.
That was pretty much it for the day, as they'd been travelling for most of the day.  I came home to discover that UPS isn't really good at delivering packages, even when they're on the truck.  That means I basically paid extra for nothing.  Thanks UPS.

At least my etsy order of "a bajillion purple hair ties" was delivered.  They're a bit small, but they're reasonably stretchy, so they'll probably work fine.
And yes, "bajillion" was the smallest quantity I could order.  It was $5, so it's not a big deal.

No, seriously.  They go out to take down Bad Guy Mutant Who They Know Blows Up And Lives, and they send Science Guy, Science Lady, Shaky Mutant, and the Director?  No dudes with guns as back up?  WTF?  And they try to bring in Human Ex-Girlfriend Who Is the Original of Robot Girlfriend, and they send only Coulson and Big Guy Who Has To Put Up With All This Bullshit With His Shotgun Axe?  Maybe setting up a perimeter to trap That Dude From The Mummy would have worked better than trying to convince HEGWITOORG to trick him so they can arrest him.  Of course, now HEGWITOORG is in the fantasy machine, and Robot Girlfriend is getting kind of creepy now that she knows there was an original.

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