Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday: East coast gets a fancy hurricane/blizzard/death storm, I only get a crappy tsunami

And that tsunami isn't cancelling the telecon tomorrow morning.  I miss having snow days.  I guess last week was "Air Conditioning Days," but the email I got today suggests that that's all fixed now.  Oh well.

I also need to remember to never go to Ala Moana if I don't have to, especially on the weekends.  It's full of the following set of people:

  1. Dad incapable of understanding why his toddler daughter is screaming and that maybe he should go figure that out.
  2. Family that insists everyone hold hands in a line, blocking anyone from walking around their slow asses.
  3. Family that have a parade of Dad + Empty Stroller A, Kid A, Kid B, Mom + Stroller B.  Seriously.  I saw like four iterations of this.  And they're perfectly spaced out so you have to wait for the entire train to meander by to get around them.
  4. Tourists with the mall map held out in front of them like it's some sort of shield to protect them against Shopping Tigers.
  5. People who have no fucking clue where they are, so they stumble around like a drunk, and then look at you like you're the asshole for saying, "excuse me" when you try to get around the stumbly dance.
  6. Lady too busy talking on her cell phone to watch where she's driving her stroller. Into my leg, asshole.  That's where you're driving.
Plus, I didn't find anything I was looking for, because things were either closed and shuttered up, or subscribe to the new fashion trend of "fucking ugly shit."  Also: Macy's decided to make their store unidirectional by blocking off the non-functional down escalator.  Isn't the joke that broken escalators are just stairs?  Can't we just walk down it?

Anyway, then I bought cream, and came home and made colcannon.  I used more pork and less cabbage than before, and paired it with Cotswold cheese, as that works perfectly.

And then while cleaning, I discovered that my kitchen sink drain isn't actually draining properly.  I guess that means a call to the property manager this week to call out the plumber.  Again.

So here are today's pictures.
Ghost squirrel!

Robbie.  Huh. I never noticed his purse before.

"What? I'm a bear.  I eat things.  Sometimes those things explode blood all over.  Happens all the time with cupcakes.  Wait, no, that's not what they're called.  Seals.  Yeah, not cupcakes.  Could you imagine that? That'd be crazy!"

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