Sunday, October 21, 2012

Because I had to know what was going on in that picture, and feel like sharing:

I transcribe the text as:
in piena forest indiana, no nomo aspetta il treno vicino alla linea ferroviaria. improvvisamente un boa assale il malcapitato, stringendolo nelie proprie spire potenti. Ma ecco una tigre slanciarsi a sua volta contro l'enorme rettile il quale avvolge, allora, anche la belva nella stretta mortale. Sui monstruoso groviglio sopraggiunge, frattanto. il treno.. il viluppo e spezzato sanguinosamente dalle ruote del convogilo.
Which my good friend google translates from Italian as:
Indian forest in full, no autonomous waiting for the train near the railway line. suddenly a boa attacking the victim, holding Nelie its powerful coils. But here's a tiger throw itself against the huge reptile which surrounds, then, even the beast in the stranglehold. The monstrous tangle occurs, meanwhile. the train .. the tangle broken and bloody from the wheels of the train.
Ok. So this means nothing, just that if you go to India to catch a train, you have such a high chance of being attacked by animals that it's not unusual for two to get you at the same time.  That time? The scheduled arrival time of the train.  India: Land of Synchronicity.

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