Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday: In which not much happens

I get Honolulu magazine emails every so often.  I think I signed up for it last year at the chocolate festival thing, and since it seems to be mostly about food and restaurants here, it's kind of fun to read.  A couple of weeks ago, I saw this in their email:
My first thought was "holy fuck, where can I get doughnuts here?"  I rushed out to buy an actual paper copy, since I couldn't find the story online.  This was harder than I expected, as all the supermarkets I tried had last month's (and the month before as well).  Of course, now it's available online, so I can link to it.

So I had the thought to go there today and get a selection of tasty doughnuts to eat this week.  However, I spent way too long this afternoon playing this word search game (because I don't know, that's why), and when I finally got there, I discovered that they close at two. Sadness.

While sitting in traffic trying to get back home (while also trying to come up with a nice set of equations to justify how long the exit/entrance ramps should be on H-1 for traffic not to stop), I decided that I wanted to stop and get something else to eat for lunch, since I wasn't going to get any doughnuts this week.
Consolation spicy tuna roll.
Math joke pictures!

I might have posted this one already, maybe.
Then it rained really hard:

Ok, now let's see if I can come up with a meal plan for this week.
  • Sunday: I'm going to say this is another pizza bagel day, although I may switch this with Monday, depending on what I get at the store.
  • Monday: Yeah, this was going to be fish, but that'd be better to do on Sunday. Let's say either salmon or mahi mahi.
  • Tuesday: ... Let's say something with chicken.  I'll do a two-day chicken thing.  I have some sage still, maybe I could do it saltimbocca again?
  • Wednesday: Leftover whatever tuesday is.
  • Thursday: This Rachel Ray show I'm watching on the DVR had stuffed eggplant.  Maybe something like that? Let's say I'll do a big stuffed portabello instead. Stuffed with what? Stuffing.
  • Friday: Go out or something.  Maybe switch this around with something earlier in the week?  I probably shouldn't have assigned these to days, if I was just going to end up moving it all around as I write it.

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