Sunday, January 8, 2017

Sunday: last day of vacation.

Which is always unfortunate. It's been a long trip, and back around Christmas, it seemed like it would go on forever. But no, after a pre Christmas weekend, the week between holidays, New Year's weekend, a week of remote working, and now a final weekend, I have to get on a plane and go home. 😞

In any case, I need to clean my apartment to get ready for people visiting next month. I should make a list of things that I need to get done. I think there will be a lot of "throw out this stuff I don't need and never use."

Last night we played Drawful. This was "coward".

And it's been super rainy here.
 Today was also a day to try and work through done food. And to make our own breakfast.
Monster face pancakes.

And I caught one of my last reasoning Pokemon. I think I have like two dozen more?

I got a medal for it.

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