Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sunday: Rainy day.

I woke up to this:
Blah and rainy.
That meant that I wasn't likely to go out and play Pokemon today.  It did eventually clear up a bit, but I'd rather not get surprised.

And then I got curry.  I almost got gyoza with it.  But I don't think they have gyoza sauce, and that's like 70% of the fun of gyoza.

And this is what "Pokestop nearby" looks like, yelp.
I also realized today that I forgot to add the pictures I took while walking yesterday to yesterday's post.  This led to me thinking if it would be possible to update my alias to give me the ability to pull those out.  The previous alias was:

alias phone2blog        ' ~/motox/Camera/IMG_`date +%Y%m%d`*'

This calls my image viewer program, and supplies it with a list of files cross mounted from the storage box that's auto-synced with files from my phone.  This list has the date appended so I only get files from that day.  That's great most of the time, but makes finding yesterday's files annoying and manual.  The trick is to use date's --date option:

alias phone2blog        ' ~/motox/Camera/IMG_`date +%Y%m%d --date=\!:*`*'

This does the same thing, but appends all options passed to the alias to the --date modifier, or appends nothing if there aren't any.  date knows that an empty --date is equal to today, and can understand things like 'yesterday' and '-32 days'.  Yay!

So now I can show this gecko I saw yesterday.

And the cemetery where the one gym I battled at is.
That gym has gone from a level 6 red gym yesterday to a level 10 blue gym today.  I also have sorted out based on videos and articles that I was probably battling wrong.  Whoops.  Guess not having instructions means I don't know how to use special attacks.

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