Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Wednesday: I now have a reasonably functioning desktop environment.

I am using fvwm, which was ancient when I first used it way back in 1997.  One benefit of being ancient, is that it just fucking works, with a minimum of bullshit.  I installed a bunch of window managers, one of which had no virtual desktop ability that I could find, and one that had it, but forced switching to be handled by buttons on the unremovable bottom "information" bar.  My gathering from this is that "modern desktops" should consume as much screen space as possible for useless waste, and should ensure no way to manage large numbers of windows.  I know everyone who uses my setup gets confused why they move the mouse near the edge of the screen, and have it flip over to the next desktop.  I don't understand this, as the cursor clearly indicates where it is.  FVWM supports this, giving me a chunky four point torus, down from the nine I have in enlightenment.  I know I can change this, but it's not a sufficient issue to sort out now.

I also got my crown installed on the tooth I had a root canal in during grad school.  It feels weird to have a super smooth fake tooth.  They said I could eat on it normally after only a half hour, but I didn't want to be too hard on it.  Plus the bakery was out of most of the bakery stuff I usually cobble into a lunch.

I got a chocolate/lemon/blackberry mousse.  Quarter for scale.

Also some cookies.

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