Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday: Pretty much the same as other saturdays

It was super rainy this morning.

Sushi day.
I keep thinking that I should start making chili tonight, as it's rainy and cool again right now.  I'm concerned that I'm going to start it tomorrow just as it becomes super humid and hot.  It would also make it possible for me to eat it before like 5pm.  It'd also let the flavors blend more.  Unfortunately, I think being lazy is going to win out for tonight.

  • I liked this comic.
  • Everyone should really know Tex Avery.  It's good that at least one town in Texas is recognizing that.
  • This is...I don't know.  It's like if you wanted taxidermy, but were creeped out by having dead animals everywhere, but really liked creepy things.
  • That's kind of cool.  It looks like the asus knockoff kinect is only $70, so it's not really too expensive.  it'd be nice to be able to have lights turn on and off automatically.  
  • It's things like this that make it absolutely clear that joining the coalition government has doomed the LibDems to centuries of losing elections now.

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