Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday: Today's accumulation of random things no one cares about

First, this fox.

  • CNN is bad at news.
    • This tweet, by itself, is useless, as everyone else pointed out.  There's not even a link to further explanation.
    • This story.  I was going to use it as a "Russia is screwing up the Olympics," which they are, and this covers some points, but then I saw something else:
      • "Ultimately, however, between the snow-making machines and the millions of pounds (kilos) of snow [...]"
      • "These mountain peaks rise over 2,300 meters, and since air temperatures generally cool with height, it means these venues stay 5 - 10 C (41 F - 50 F) degrees cooler."
      • Holy crap, you are bad at news, CNN.
  • While we're talking about Russia.
  • So at least that's not a problem for the next year.
  • Here's a plot I put together today, but then didn't feel like actually talk about.  Blah blah productivity gains, blah blah unequal distribution.
    • The other thing is that if you assume these plots are sequential (they are, I made the previous one too), and that the letters are from the set [0-9a-z], then that plot is the 1353040 made.
  • I didn't know you could do this with google.  It's totally the "I want to go somewhere, don't care where, but I do have a budget" way to find flights.
  • I'll forget to read this story this weekend.
  • I probably should have sat down to figure out how much water needs to be raised how high to provide a hydroelectric battery to solve this issue.

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