Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday: Fucking Carnival

Every year, Punahou schools have their carnival.  Every year, it completely fucks up traffic.  Every year, I nearly get hit because some jackass pulls over to the side of the road, realizes they can't park there, and then tries to dash back over into my lane, despite me being in that fucking space already.

The problem is that they simply don't have any parking (they use their lot as part of the carnival), and so they rely on street parking, which is the least efficient thing ever.  If I could, I would ban street parking everywhere, for all time.  It's a street.  You drive on it.  Converting it to parallel parking removes those lanes from traffic, increasing the traffic density in all other lanes.  It also reduces the speed in the other lanes, as they have to stop to allow people to park.  Again, increasing traffic density (\rho \propto Nlanes * v).  Finally, it's shifting the costs of maintaining sufficient parking from the users of that parking to the transportation system, which is stupid.  It should instead be shifted to the commerce system, as they're the ones who benefit.  This leads to the obvious solution of parking garages and things like that.  Or, if having the parking is sufficiently motivated, public parking garages.

tl;dr: Fuck street parking.

I'm not going to say bad things about the opening ceremony, because the only problem I saw was a proper technical issue, not fundamental evidence of corruption and incompetence.

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