Saturday, June 22, 2013

Saturday: I was going to have original pictures here, but

This is what it looks like in my neighborhood right now:
So I'm not going to be taking any pictures of the moon tonight.
Things I realized as part of this supermoon crap:

  1. I already did it once.
  2. I can use my astro 101 knowledge to point google sky directly where the moon would be, if the moon were visible through the rain clouds.
  3. I bought a mini desk tripod for my camera to replace the one that got lost in the move.  I decided when I bought it that I was going to keep it with the camera at all times, since that's really the only thing it's useful for.  I've once again lost the damn thing, which suggests I need to clean up everything to prevent myself from buying another one.

I'm pretty sure the face on the obelisk is sad because it's thinking about how that musician is totally falling to his death in a few minutes.  Alternately, it could be sad because its top is lying in front of it.  Also, what's up with the sphinx statue being cut in half?  How did that happen?

What are you doing, Buffalo?  That trampoline isn't even set up correctly!

  • Two points on this one.  1) Did you think that the average weight of the people in that picture would be pretty much exactly what it was?  2) My mom is only three years younger than Deen.  I'm pretty sure she knows that some things really aren't appropriate.  "[S]imply a product of her era," is shorthand for "doesn't feel she needs to live in the present."
  • This is the best bedroom ever.  I need an Ice King on my wall.
  • Hubert Robert drew the ruins picture above.  I guess he had some sort of fascination with painting shit all fucked up.

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