Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday: After noticing that sqrt(V) looked a lot like I:

Notebook humor posts are best posts.

  • Politics links.
  • Not politics links.
    • Koffing is great.
    • Adventure Time is great.
    • Knowing that that really loud plane was probably a FedEx jet is great.
    • I haven't read this entire thing, but it seems that asking kids to "come up with solutions" to math problems is dumb.  Knowing how to add isn't really an opinion kind of thing.  I would think that any kind of math should involve two steps: first, you define the concept (draw a number line, note the position of one number, A.  Add another number, B, to that by drawing a new number line for the second value, and seeing that the sum is equal to the position of A plus the position of B), then, you explain the algorithm that provides the numerical result (you could count marks on the number lines, but by grouping things into numerals in base 10, you can skip the counting by summing each column.  Again, this can be directly related back to the number line form, so kids have both an idea and a method, and can use the idea to check the method.  This also implicitly teaches that addition is associative and commutative, and provides the identity proof).  

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