Saturday, July 2, 2011

friday: frozen pizza

I didn't take a picture. You can probably imagine what it looks like. Pizza, that was once parbaked and then frozen, and then baked once more to completion. It seemed a reasonably fast way to put a dinner together with a minimum of effort.  For some reason, nothing's really tasted good today. I don't know if it's just a side-effect of this cursed cold or what.  I kind of hope something strikes me tomorrow at either WF or the farmer's market (if I can get up for it) that makes me really want to cook something delicious.

I'm kind of meh about the fact that there's a long weekend this week.  I've been planning a big Star Wars marathon, but that kind of feels meh too. I'm definitely bowling on Sunday, because I'm pretty sure that's the only thing keeping me sane now-a-days.  I keep seeing that lighthouse on the way back from Waimanalo, so maybe I'll go there and do the mile-ish hike.  Woo, exercise. :-|

I am planning on doing pulled pork for the fourth, so I'll have to pick a pork butt up tomorrow. That will by default include the disappointment I feel every time I buy pork butt, since Hawaii can't seem to be bothered to sell a whole pork butt, but only ones that have been sliced.  Pork. Butt.

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