Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Wednesday: There have been so many days during this trip that I haven't even left the house.

It's a nice feeling to wake up whenever, donk around on the computer for a bit, eat some, donk some more, eat some more, and maybe take a quick nap in the evening to rest up for a long night of not worrying about stuff and sleeping.

It's almost exhausting, but I can block that out with enough naps.

But soon I'll need to get back into a less-lazy swing, and fly for the last time until Thanksgiving, and then pick up my car from Matson, and then babysit and chauffeur for a bit.  I think that'll be basically the same, except I won't be able to sleep in, and there won't be automatic food waiting for me to eat.  Not a bad deal, either way.

And then driving, and then going back to work.  I think everyone should be able to take a month off every so often, just to destress about everything.

This long rant is mostly here because I don't have any pictures (see not going outside), so there's nothing to fill space here.

I did see a toy that I've been trying to find online for years this evening while looking at slides with my parents.  The good news is that I'm not crazy.  The bad news is that the slide was too blurry to get a name or anything.  I should probably order a slide scanner at some point, so all those images can be put onto a USB stick or something, and organized so the same event isn't split over four reels.

  • Giuliani is still trash.
  • The raccoon is safe.
  • Why I love Ms. Marvel.
  • I sorted out some edge cases today, so now my ISBN to LOC call number script works in about 95% of cases.  Still not sure why some (like this one) fail, but that success rate means organizing my books in my new apartment will be fairly easy.  It needs to be two pass: first to scan ISBN with my tablet, then an export, ingest into sqlite, followed by an LOC script pass to fill that field.  This is also the point where I accept that writing web bots is significantly easier in snek, due to the high quality html parser.

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