Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wednesday: It was.

(19:24:17) Julie: what was odd
(19:24:18) Julie: ?
(19:27:25) me: so I'm sitting on my couch eating dinner tonight, and there's a knock on my door
(19:28:09) me: it's the guy in 4, who I've suspected of being dead
(19:28:30) me: because he parks next to my car in the spot that's not the one the dead lady had
(19:28:47) Julie: lol
(19:28:49) Julie: okay
(19:28:50) me: but his truck there is on jacks, so the tires don't touch the floor
(19:29:09) me: which seems odd, like something you do if someone dies, but you can't sell the car
(19:29:18) me: but he's not dead
(19:29:26) me: he's "got a lot of stress"
(19:29:38) me: and "doesn't that dog drive you crazy?!"
(19:29:55) me: because the guy in 5 recently got a puppy
(19:30:16) me: but there's all the plumbing stuff between my apartment and his, so I can't hear the dog bark ever
(19:30:40) Julie: lol
(19:31:01) Julie: okay
(19:31:03) me: my suggestion: "have you tried to sort it out with the management?"
(19:31:05) Julie: was there a point?
(19:31:11) Julie: or did he just come to hang out?
(19:31:11) Julie: haha
(19:31:19) me: "nobody's going to do anything! he's a drug dealer, you know."
(19:31:42) Julie: lol
(19:31:43) Julie: whattt?
(19:32:01) me: which is funny, because he drives a bmw suv, and has really odd hours, so when he first moved in, my thought was "I bet he's a drug dealer, because that makes sense. or he works at a bmw dealership."
(19:32:47) me: so 4 then "shows" me his flier that he wrote, but I have no clue what it says, because he was flapping it all over the place
(19:33:20) me: "I put this on my door, and when I look again, it's gone! He's taking down the sign on MY door, which is on MY property! I'm an owner now, and that's not right!"
(19:33:46) me: him: "he's just a renter!" me: "did you contact the owner!" him: "no one's going to do anything!"
(19:34:20) me: the conclusion seems to be that he's going to put up his sign in the hallway, and that if I see it taken down, he didn't do it.
(19:34:44) me: which, I guess narrows it down to everyone else in the building, since I'm guessing you're not supposed to just tape signs up everywhere
(19:35:09) Julie: lolol
(19:35:11) Julie: that's awesome
(19:35:53) me: I may just copy paste this for today's blog post
(19:36:03) Julie: lololol

To be fair, that dog does kind of freak out every time I walk by, and ran up to me once in the parking garage to bark loudly at my shoes.  Because it's like the tiniest puppy ever.  I also have no evidence that the guy in 5 is a drug dealer.  I don't know anything about him other than where he parks, that he owns a dog, and that he has odd hours.  That's pretty much all I care to know.

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