Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wednesday: I spent all day reteaching myself how code I wrote years ago works.

That's done now, and I think I remember enough about it to write the paper.  In addition, we should probably do a massive code review at some point, and remove a bunch of preprocessor #if (0) ... #endif blocks, or turn them into valid debugging options or something

It was good when cider time came around.

  • Just fucking die, you miserable bag of shit.
  • Counterpoint: they used the Death Star to blow up Alderaan, an entire planet.  Somehow I don't think the financial aspect of it is that important.
    • Second counterpoint: Taking measurements, and pretending everything is a sphere, the DS is something like a million times the volume of a Star Destroyer.  We have a price for a Star Destroyer, at 150e6 credits.  Using this scale, the DS should cost something like 150e12 credits, and given that credits can't have significantly more purchasing power than the dollar (they're only divisible into decicreds, which are worth little), this suggests the cost estimate of hundreds of quintillion dollars must be off by at least a factor of a thousand.  I suspect this feature of the galactic economy is the main reason things are effectively cheaper there.
    • Third counterpoint: That Star Destroyer article mentions that they built a fleet of 25000 of them.  Each one carries 47060 people.  There are more than a billion people flying on a Star Destroyer at any given time.
  • Pugs.
  • Dogs.
  • Boston terrier Santa on a Roomba.
  • Julie sent a similar link earlier in the day.  Regardless of the source, Charizard Pikachu is best Pikachu.
  • Samurai Jack is coming back.  Unfortunately Mako can't do the voice of Aku anymore, but still.  New Samurai Jack.
  • Marnie.

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