Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wednesday: I have a telecon tomorrow, and I'm not looking forward to it.

I also had a bunch of new things added to my task list at work.  I am not happy about that either.

I didn't have any photos for today, but then I remembered I can create photos of things.
This is the one my camera decided was best.

I kind of liked this one a bit better, but I'm not sure why.
All the links are source pairs today.

  • Marnie.
  • Marnie.
  • Kissing a shark.
  • Bad decisions.
  • Those snacks sound like shit, United.  This isn't what people are pissed about.
  • No, this is dumb.  Do you remember Service Merchandise, Target?  You'd go there to buy things, and you'd fill out a form for everything you wanted to buy, and that'd be sent into the warehouse in back, and they'd collect all your purchases.  It was kind of weird and awkward, and it always seemed to take forever to get your stuff.  This "Wonderland" shit is the same thing with RFID tags.  Last time I was at Target, there were about infinity people shopping.  If each person is buying on average N items, at a rate of r items per minute, then everyone can shop in (N / r) minutes.  See how that infinity cancels out?  Now assume Target has 100 people in the back picking items that are being bought.  This makes the shopping time (infinity / 100) * (N/ r) minutes, and I'm pretty sure Target isn't even open 24 hours a day.

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