Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday: Dear crappy driver

  1. Do not turn on your turn signal and slam on the brakes for no reason.
  2. Just because it's raining, doesn't mean you need to drive 18 mph.
  3. Swerving away from people in the other lane is a good way to crash.
  4. Swerving into the other lane is a good way to kill everyone.
  5. Stop whatever not-driving thing you were doing.  You are incapable of multitasking.
  6. Yes, I did let you in when you decided you suddenly needed to get on H-1.  That's because you were half in my lane and were blocking your lane entirely.
  7. I honked at you because you fucking stopped halfway through changing lanes and turning onto the onramp. WTF?
  8. Good job going 25 on the highway, changing three lanes without bothering with a turn signal, and nearly killing that one guy.
  9. Maybe consider never driving again, since you don't seem to have any fucking idea of how to do it.
Animals and snowmen.



Whatever blogger.  Just randomly put these three pictures where ever you fucking want.  It's not like there's a storyline or anything.

Snowcat. Whatever.

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