Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday: 2-1-1-3-3

This week is going to be weird.  Monday is a regular day, but Tuesday is election day, and that's a holiday in Hawaii.  This is of course how it should be everywhere, because then everyone has a chance to go out and vote without having to worry about work.  Doesn't Australia do it this way?  Seems like the best way to improve voter turnout.  You know, if you're actually into the whole "democracy" thing.  I wonder if we get the day off so we can watch voter returns on the East coast before going out to vote.  According to this map, Indiana is going to be finishing first at 6pm EST, which is hours ahead, so that'll be 1pm my time.  Since Ohio is going to be the swing, that means that by 2:30ish my time, we should know who's going to win the thing.

This is just another reason that living in the middle of the Pacific is weird.

And then back to work on Wednesday for the rest of the week, until the weekend, which is a three-day-weekend, due to Veteran's day next Monday.  Huh.  Thanksgiving is the week after.  So, November is actually: 2-2-1-1-3-3-4-2-3-4-5, where red days are work days, and blue days are weekends and days off.

I will again blame this on living in the Pacific.  Yay, Pacific!

I think we can all agree that this is the greatest waffle-vention ever.


Hug sloth!

Huggy kitty!

Basket of puppies!

Puff, puff. Jigglypuff.

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