Saturday, November 17, 2012

Saturday: I've done nothing productive today

Well, I've made fun of people buying Twinkies on the internet.  That's nearly productive.  I really don't understand why people would pay a 10x markup on something that will be off the market for maybe a year at most.  The Twinkie brand is far too valuable for it to disappear completely.  Alternate idea: just buy Little Debbie's version.  Here.  Fifty cents a piece.  Done.  Or, you could get the Oatmeal Creme Pies or Nutty Bars.  Those are actually tastier things.

And now I want excessively processed snack foods.

Also: blah blah private equity firms destroying everything they touch, etc.  I've covered that before.


Gravity. Cats' enemy too.
I realized this today while flipping through the TV channels:  Hoarders: people who collect things obsessively because they're terrified of some vague unreasonable fear.  Extreme Couponers: people who collect things obsessively because they're terrified of some financial state that would deny them 99 bottles of shampoo and 400 packs of gum.  Doomsday Preppers: people who collect things obsessively because they're terrified of some precise unreasonable fear and are totally willing to shoot you in the head if they think you're trying to steal their can of corn.

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