Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday: Pretty much all day smelled like dog buns

Of the six things I tried to accomplish today, all six turned out to be harder/more complicated/fundamentally broken/whatever than I expected.  Other than the experience of failing at six things in one day, I should have just stayed in bed.
Basically this was my day. In this analogy, I'm the bunny, and all of existence is the snow.


I believe this guy is the King of the Lions.

Have I posted this bear? Whatever. It's a bear.  I like bears.

This is a baby red panda.  I'm unclear as to the shape of the function cute(t) for red pandas. Constant?
No links today. Too much time bashing my head against things.  Or the internet sucked today.  Anyway, let's listen to FDR piling on the snark while discussing a political constant.  It's a minute long, so it's not like it's going to eat up a lot of your day.

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