Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday: When you have three things you want to do, it's best to do none of them.

That way, none of the things feel like they've been cheated.  I am totally sure there is no logical flaw in this plan for the day.

I still don't have a good menu plan for this week, and that's probably not a good thing.  I think part of the problem is that everything I come up with seems to be something that I make too often, so I decide against that.  Any similarity to the problem brought up in the post title is purely coincidental.

Let's do today's random pictures:
I don't know why I like these captcha cartoons, but I do.

"Jim, look at this asshole. Hey, dumbass! Only bison are allowed to go this way in this lane!"

I can just imagine all the crap that would end up hidden in the overhang.

Wasn't this an episode of Pinky and the Brain?

It's like we're being attacked by z = (x^2 + y^2) * cos(4 * atan2(y,x))

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