Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday: Holidays are Holifun!

Yeah, that's a lame title.

Take out sushi means ignoring my menu planning. Oops.
Random picture time:
What are you doing cows? That is a city, not a farm.

I really thought that said "sock of mild barbecue sauce." It doesn't, but I'm not sure it's much better.
No, that's the wrong kind of dog.
It looks so sad to be en-sandwiched.
If only it was that easy.
  • This is pretty good, and reminds me of a story from a AAS years ago: A group of us had gone to a session thinking it would be interesting. It had some sort of cool name, but after about a minute or two, it clearly became "this guy is going to drone on about some obscure point of science education."  Since he was the only speaker, I wasn't going to sit there and listen.  I made a quick movement, reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone.  I showed it to the others, and then stood up and left.  Previously I'd explained that a fake text was a great way to get out of things without looking so obvious.  However, no one else remembered this conversation, and sat there for another half hour, while I wondered what was wrong with them.
  • Science!
  • This made me laugh far more than was probably justified.
  • People who think that science should pay them even though they're just an easily replaceable middleman!
  • I'd seen the first one of these many times before, but when I saw the second one, I had to track down what I think is the original source.

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