Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Wednesday: New computer day!

New computer day is always good, because it means that I can bring my laptop home, and that doing work is going to be much easier.

Satellite dish not included.
The case is much smaller than my old computer, but rotom is much better than threes: 12 cores instead of 4; 32 GB RAM instead of 8; something like eight generations newer; half size hard drive, but it's an SSD.  I enjoy having far more desk real estate, so I can have multiple windows open, stretched to a reasonable size, and flip between them as needed.

Now I'm deep in the process of sorting through old files and programs so I can come up with a proper git repository for my things.  I have a lot of junk in my CVS hierarchy.  A lot of that junk is really poorly advertised.  One good thing I discovered is that my rsynced CVS repository copy is missing a lot of things, so I have no clear way to reconstruct a master branch.  So that's going to be fun.  I also need to decide which things deserve isolated repositories (probably robospect and superking).

  • Converting CVS to git.
  • I mean, I don't want to come off as insensitive, but you literally cannot get lost on Oahu.  Are you walking uphill?  Stop, turn around.  You're making a mistake.  Have you walked so far downhill that you're at the ocean?  Look around.  Find the nearest hotel.  You are found.  Sure, Wahiawa is the middle of the island, and the central plateau is pretty flat.  It's still not that hard.
  • Should I get an Xbox?  It seems like there are more than zero games I would enjoy.  Plus, according to this, I don't need to lose an HDMI port to it.

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