Thursday, August 30, 2018

Thursday: Sprint planning.

I'm not sure if I like it, because it's kind of like a performance review and a meeting rolled into one, and I don't really like either.  At least I largely accomplished most of my August tasks, even though the expectation was that they'd take longer than a month.  And I signed up to present a talk at a future Wednesday meeting, because I'm bad at saying no.

Also today I discovered that my new doctor is really far away, but I think if I had ignored the google maps directions and went with the highway, it wouldn't have been that bad.  I've also officially not lost as much weight as I had thought, which is a bit annoying.

And I could have gotten Qdoba for lunch, but that would have involved turning around and turning around again, so I stopped at the similar place instead.
I think my more direct comparison is "Chipotle is spicier, and has nicer cuts of lettuce, but isn't as good in overall flavor.  Also too much cilantro."

Finally, I spent an hour putting together the start of a snek program that will do all of the FITS interaction that I want and had before scattered in a half dozen programs.  The snek interface is nicer than C, but I know it has speed and memory issues.  Still nice to go from blah to working version in such a short time.

Similarly, using snek to spam my RSS onto tumblr means I'm having trouble finding links each day.

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