Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tuesday: It makes more sense now.

The thing was pulling information from elsewhere, and using that to define the key translations.  Which, fine, great, whatever, but it's not very intuitive.  But I found it, so tomorrow I can do more tests and hopefully get a working version finished.  It couldn't be today, because using the other stuff means loading a bunch of new packages into my environment.  Ugh.

The buzzy bee says ugh too.
I also went out to my car this morning to discover a "we're going to tow your car" warning on it.  Either I messed up something when I moved in, or they've changed the rules, or something, but now I need to do something to get a parking pass.  It's dumb, I've bothered them, and I have a kind of solution, but it's still a pain in the ass.

  • Why?  None of these people are irreplaceable, which is why when they were shunned, life pretty much went on as it did before.  I have no interest in any of them.
  • If you didn't know WCA was going to be great, then you weren't paying attention.
  • I pushed a project to github today, but I didn't want to have it completely out of my local tree.  It turns out git already thought of that, so I can happily have the github version in a directory with other not-github projects.

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