Monday, August 13, 2018

Monday: Tomorrow starts even earlier

At least tomorrow I won't be confused about what time it is, because I will remember that my phone is correct, and my laptop (along with all the computers I connect to (that aren't in Hawaii)) are three hours ahead, not two.  Arizona doesn't do DST, but not because they're in the middle of the ocean by themselves where it doesn't matter (like Hawaii), but because of reasons.  I guess.

The mountains are cool here.
 I spent a good chunk of the day doing cleanup work on three tickets that I want to finish this week.  Tomorrow I should ruin people's weeks by asking for code reviews.
Mexican Coke?  In the better Medio Litro version?  Yes, please!
 And then conference stuff, and then there was board game stuff, along with a lot of meeting people who I will likely have trouble remembering names.   I am bad with names.
Finally caught this jerk.
As I was returning to my room after board games,  I saw this thing in the outside hallway:
No.  Unacceptable.
No thank you.

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