Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Tuesday: I finally have stuff again!

Followed immediately by the thought: I have too much stuff.

I mean.
So I'm going to take it reasonably slow, and unpack things as much as I can, and figure out which things I don't need.  Most of those boxes are full of books, and I've started out by organizing bookshelves.  They were super dusty and cobwebby, and now both are clean.  I still probably need another four shelves, but whatever.  I'm also going to try and properly sort things into correct LOC classification.

After getting my new TV, I decided that I should get a Roku for my old TV as well.  Drop $50, and it now can stream a bunch of stuff without me needing to rent another stupid cable box or deal with Comcast in any way.  Given that my new TV has been used for Youtube 90% of the time, and I've been watching NHK the other 10% (which I can get on Roku without trouble), this seems like the best idea.  Eventually I'll sort out my media storage, and I'll be able to stream my own stuff via DLNA or something.

I also correctly chose which box had pots in it, so I was able to make dinner tonight.  I think I'm going to try to do bento for work lunch after getting back from Arizona.

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